35mm focal length (Full Frame equivalent).
A normal lens, a normal view. Angle that almost mimic normal human field. Our field of view, what we see and use everyday since we were born.
How boring is it? To see from the same perspective, again and again, every time we open our eyes.
It may sounds ok if we use eyes to live our daily activities, but how to create art? To create an image that able to give strong impact to viewers.
That is the challenge part. How to create something special, unordinary, and attractive with this angle of view. We can not really “cheat” make artistic image with bokeh, no compression from long focal length to use, and no crazy distortion we can get from ultra wide lens. In my case (my lenses), no macro capability as well.
Pushing creativity is a BIG must here. Thinking before shoot is mandatory action. Choose which elements should include, and more importantly, what need to exclude from our frame. To make sure no elements would distract viewers from main point of interest.

The main point in this article is a reminder how to make ordinary view become unordinary images. To include artistic objects, to create strong impact in our photograph by using normal field of view. We simply can not be lazy with this lens. By only shoot what we see from normal perspective will lead to produce a boring image.
My experience by use Fujifilm X100V almost exclusively for a year, in pandemic era, teaches me a lot how to “optimise” artistic objects around me. To become more sensitive with any elements like reflection, colour match, layering composition, and actively experiment with extreme low/high angle.
While it’s true that I still had travel to other cities for few times (Cities that I already familiar with, so nothing new), however, most of my recent shots came from my work or living places area. Scenes that I have seen everyday for the last 9 years. A perfect boring place to blend with normal (boring) angle of view? What’s not to like eh?
“The art of looking” for artistic object play the main role here. Always look at the exact same scenes from multiple perspective, consist of multiple angles, subjects, and moments at various times. A spot that looks boring/bad at daylight perhaps looks awesome when at night. A place when looks uninspiring at evening, may looks gorgeous in early morning when hit by sunrise light.
Keep work your scene. Always shoot more than once at an interesting spot. Be patient waiting for the attractive subject. Experiment with angles (High/Low/Diagonal).
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One thing for sure, we will never know when the good moment come. Could be the time we go to our regular cafe shop is when the light fall at the right place, hit the right subject, doing the right action to become artistic moment.
Stay active, stay sharp and have habit to create good images everywhere!
Nico Harold