First think first, I want to say Thank You to Fujifilm Indonesia for gave chance to loaned me the newest Fujfiilm X-E4 for a week!

I have to admit though, at that moment I have been busy with multiple things in work and personal matter, that I did not have luxury to keep shooting all the time on the street. Fortunately one of my task required me to go to other city by plane. Airport could be a great place to test X-E4 for street shooting!
Due to such short time to test a camera, I pair X-E4 only with XF35mm f/1.4, as one of the most reliable lens (both focal length and image quality) for my personal work.
Ergonomic and handling
Simply the most important part when we about to choose a new camera!
Adopted from Fujifilm X-E3’s layout, it is a pleasure to operate X-E4 with one handed configuration . All buttons and dials easily access with one hand. No D-Pad, but I already got used to swipe (Flick!) the screen to change menus, so no problem to speak here.

Front grip and thumb rest area are now totally flat. However, I do not feel miss it actually. On small lens like XF27mm f/2.8 II or even something like XF35mm f/1.4 I still able to use X-E4 for daily use without feel slippery or not secure enough on my hand. Of course when using bigger lens an optional L-Grip is more comfortable to use.
When I had Fujifilm X-E3 with its small grip, I felt I still need optional L-Grip when use lens like XF56mm f/1.2 or something bigger. I think Fuji’s decision to completely remove the grip is not bad idea at all. It helps to reduce the weight and size of camera, for people who prefer something really compact.
Things worth to note: Q button now move up to top plate, and rear dial (near thumb rest area) is gone. It may looks only a little change, but I have to force myself change my habit.
On most Fujifilm cameras I usually change the Q setting using my thumb to click the Q and scroll the menu inside using rear dial. On X-E4 I need to change my habit by using my point finger to click Q button at top and select the menu with front dial (also with point finger of course). A bit annoyed me at first as my reflex is always move my thumb, and my finger point always stay still on shutter button.
Flip screen
It is really a good thing Fujfilm start to infuse screen with capability to move on certain angle on their rangefinder model. From the controversial hidden screen on X-Pro3, then the “normal” tilt screen with beautiful slim design on X100V, and now flip screen for X-E4.
Immediately it becomes one of the main advantage over X-E3 that I had before. Shooting from hips, extreme low angle, or high angle is much easier and more accurate now.
It comes with a little bit awkwardness though. Every time I tilt the screen for 45 degrees or slight more, sometimes the camera thought that I was about to fully flip the screen, so the image inside screen turn upside down. Imagine if you are waiting on a scene, then the right subject about to cross your frame, but suddenly the screen turn upside down and you have no idea what actually is going on. I think it could be fix simply by software update.
Unrelated with problem above, later I realised that the software would flipped the image inside screen when getting tilted (View Mode: LCD Only) and something blocked the viewfinder (example: my own left fingers which hold the camera, or perhaps I position the camera too close to my chest/hip).
Color output
Some person may said that older generation Fujifilm camera such X-Pro1 or X100 produce great colours that hard to beat. However, dare I say modern line up of Fujfilm camera is simply more beautiful in rendering colours (of course subjective). Fujifilm’s Film Simulation Classic Chrome and Classic Negative always impress me!
Retro, cinematic, with analog feel. Both Classic Chrome and Classic Negative are my main weapons to produce image with my style. Main benefit is: I do not need to spend long time to decide which presets I’m about to use. Only need to choose between these two, and usually either of them works really well. In post process I only need to adjust a little more based on my mood, and usually take only few minutes to work on an image in Lightroom or Capture One.
Fast, responsive and speed!
Using the latest processor and sensor from Fujifilm (26.1MP “X-Trans™ CMOS 4”*2 sensor and the high-speed “X-Processor 4”), very much the same like The Flagship X-T4. It makes X-E4 is really fast to operate, quick and accurate Autofocus, split second shutter lag with capabilities burst shot up to 30 fps (in crop mode) or 20 fps (in normal mode) with electronic shutter.
For more about official product information from Fujfiilm: Fujifilm X-E4
That’s all about my thought of use Fujifilm X-E4 for one week! Overall, this little rangefinder camera is enjoyable to use, easy to carry everywhere, great to do “stealth” shooting on the street due to the “humble” design, and the image quality (especially the colors) is sublime!’
Stay sharp and keep shooting everyday!
Nico Harold
Related Article:
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Excellent experience report. I prefer the controls on the X-T but if I had the budget for a second camera I’d pair the X-E4 with the new XF27mmF2.8 R WR. I’m hoping Fuji brings the flip screen to the X-T line.