Say hello to “arguably” The Best ILC (Interchangeable Lens Camera) for street photography: Fujifilm X-E3!

After spent time around few months use with X-E3 now dare I say I’m confident enough to write the statement above.
As usual, my camera review is all about how functional the camera itself operate in real life usage, especially for street photography use. All things that I wrote here would be based on my life experience. There are several solid reasons that made me love with this little camera:

Camera’s size is in my top priority list as a factor to acquire a camera or not. Small/compact mirrorless is always better than bulky DSLR in street use. Small size means: More discrete and less intimidation level to my subject. This way, it will make people think I’m just a tourist that want to photograph things casually. Most of the time they will not care enough about me even if they realize I took photo of them or area surrounding them.

Shooting with small size camera can open a new opportunity like shooting inside Shopping Mall (Read here about shooting street inside Shopping Mall). Impossible to shot there with DSLR size camera as security person would stopped me immediately.

Fortunately, Fujifilm X-E3 could be considered as the smallest ILC that Fujifilm able to offer nowadays. It is so small, that easily comparable to “entry level” Fujifilm X-A10. As bonus, X-E3 is also one of the lightest weight in Fujifilm ILC world, almost side by side with Fujifilm X-A10 (only few grams different).

“Big things come from small package” is how I describe X-E3. While the size is like the entry level Fujifilm camera, X-E3 has “flagship” level of performance like its bigger brother Fujifilm X-Pro2 (both rangefinder style with same processor and sensor).
Physical dial

Some other cameras have problem in term of handling/control due to small size. However, with one or the other way Fujifilm still manage to sneak some physical dials on this little camera, which is make “triangle exposure” control is so easy. Real shutter speed dial, exposure dial, aperture dial (always on lens), and we can set a dial in front side of camera body as ISO control.

For me, user experience of operating a camera is more important than the image quality itself. Therefore, by having physical dials and no longer need to dig into menu to change setting really simplified my shooting style and help me to keep focus on decisive moment on the street.

It is true that I like to shooting in aperture priority mode (and other settings in Auto), however, there are also times when I need to play around with shutter speed or ISO dials to get more creative shoots (like shooting with flash in slow shutter speed). Physical dials of triangle exposure are simply super important to me.
Read more about “Auto Setting Better than Manual Setting?” here
One hand operation

If you had read my review about Fujifilm X100F (Read here), then you would know one big factor that make me think X100F as an awesome street camera is because we can 100% operate all buttons with only one hand. Same goes to X-E3!
All button at right side, which is free our left hand to do other things. Try to hunt on the street while eating ice cream, drink ice chocolate or a can of soda (hold them with your left hand), this will make us even more like a tourist and far from a professional photographer – Fujifilm X100F Street Photography
It is a “feature” that I can not get from Fujfiilm X-Pro2 (size is too big for my hand), Fujfiilm X-T2 (few buttons at left side), and Fujifilm X-T20 (few buttons at left side and I still need both hands to hold camera when move focus point because there is no joystick).
Touch screen control

Fujifilm X-E3 may lack of directional pad (D-pad) button, but cleverly Fujifilm replace it with four direction swipe touch screen feature. To be frank, at first I highly doubt I will like this feature (because my habit is always use D-pad). However, soon after I used it frequently I do think that swipe touch screen works well. It has quick response when I need to change setting in hurry (I set them to change camera setting such as AF Mode and flash setting).

Keep in mind that I live in tropical country, I do not need to think about using thick glove to operate my camera, therefore touch screen feature always come in handy.
Low profile design

Not only the smallest and lightest ILC from Fujifilm, but also has the most “humble” design that does not scream “expensive” or “luxury”. Which is perfect for street photography! I simply can blend easier to my surrounding and not distract/intimidate my subjects when they are in the middle of doing their activities. Also good for my safety as people will less care about me, think that I only bring ordinary (read: cheap price) camera.
Technical specification

For official technical specification read here from Fujifilm Webpage. From my personal opinion: Fast AF, reliable tracking AF, responsive touch screen control, fast turn-on time, super fast shooting interval time, joystick is really useful, not large but good quality EVF, TTL Flash is easy to use, good noise control in high ISO, and of course Fujifilm film simulations create the best JPEG in mirrorless camera industry.
Versus Fujifilm X100F

If you are a person who totally love 35mm angle of view (Full Frame equivalent), then X100F is still the best choice for street photography (Have leaf shutter, ND filter, and smaller size).
However, I feel that I’m a 50mm shooter by nature, and to make X100F become 50mm lens I need a physical teleconverter, which is will make X100F has bigger size compare to X-E3 with Fujinon XF35mm f/2 (Note: XF35mm f/2 will have faster and more accurate autofocus compare to X100F’s lens). Not to mention that we will have more freedom by having access to use all other Fujinon lenses.
X-E3 has better EVF quality (more accurate in term of colours and contrast) than the one in X100F. X100F has benefit Optical and Hybrid Viewfinder though.
Versus Fujifilm X-T2

Read Fujifilm X-T2 review here. While X-T2 will have more complete features like Weather Resistant body, dedicated ISO dials, and a little faster response, Fujifilm X-E3 is smaller in size, more humble design, has touch screen features and of course cheaper price.
Versus Fujifilm X-T20

Joystick and one hand button layout make me will choose X-E3 instantly compare to X-T20. I do understand some people think that tilt screen is a must have feature therefore they will choose X-T20 rather than X-E3. Other than that all features all almost exactly the same. (Only different in styling: SLR vs Rangefinder)

That is all about my review of Fujifilm X-E3. I think Fujfiilm create X-E3 as the true street photographer camera that able to change lens. Never underestimate a small and plain looking modern camera, they may surprise you more than you thought!
Note: All photos in this post shot with Fujifilm X-E3 and various Fujinon lenses.
Keep shooting everyday,
Nico Harold