To begin with, let me introduce myself a little bit.

For me photography is more than just a hobby or a passion. Photography is more like an activity that keep makes me become a better person day by day. I learned much more about how life works after I decide to get my first real camera and start shooting (that was around late 2016). It does really surprise me how a little black box that can freeze moment able to teach me life lesson this much (would be too many to write here, one for example is now I can start to have open communication or action to other people, even with random stranger on the street. Before, I was a person who totally did not care about them.)
Also, one of the main reason I start do street photography is because I feel like I’m a person who never capable to create “anything” into this world. Yes, I do have my job for living, but that is more like doing things to get money for survive, not the real passion to create something like painting, singing, writing poem, cooking, etc. Photography is the very first thing that make me able to involve in world of art. Create something from zero into something meaningful in artistic way.
I start to learn photography totally from zero by self-taught. First step was joining in local photography groups, then try to follow some free/affordable cost workshop, reading a lot (really, A LOT) photography blogs, and see other people’s works in Instagram, Facebook and 500px as inspiration. Some images do inspire me a lot, even till now, but soon I also realised, I can gather many many of inspirations from philosophy too.
The philosophy why a photographer capture one particular scene; What is the main reason to capture that moment? For me philosophy in photography is like the real foundation of create photography’s vision.
Why Street Photography?
At first, my idea about having camera was about documenting valuable things around me, but then, I also realise photography is a form of art with limitless boundaries and endless possibilities. This thought was really blowing my mind. I start to think how can I infuse art when I was documenting things.
Not long after that I start to capture people’s activities around me, especially the one who having uniqueness like colourful clothes, hat, shoes or doing something unordinary on the street. I feel there is a joy inside my heart every time I snap something artistic that happen in decisive moment and purely candid.Â
Long story short, now here I am, a person who love documenting human life on the street. Either in form of human life (like face expression and gesture) nor visual art (like shadow, reflection, and silhouette).
That is all about me for now. I do really hope we all can learn or feel inspired by reading my blog posts.
Keep shooting everyday!
Nico Harold